Thursday, November 13, 2014

not as easy as pie!

Extremely important: all lab materials must be returned to the box when finished there are 10 magnets please make sure that all 10 get returned.
Objective:  in this lab you use experimental techniques and measurements along with observational skills to determine the relationship between two quantities. Of the pendulum and the length.  In doing so, you should be able to determine the length of pendulum that would have a period of exactly one second.
*make observations about your mass yes I mean measurements!
1. Set up your experiment as shown below take a lab selfie of your set up.
2. For your pendulum back slightly and release.
3. Allow the motion to become consistent and then time 10 swings.
4. Repeat this procedure for 10 separate Lengths.
Note:The magnet is supplied to easily adjust the length of your screen without cutting.
The best idea would be to Premark your string  into equal increments of either five or 10 cm and then measure accordingly.
*what should be your small slang for based on our discussion of Precision?

1.  Create a graph of the data.  Following all the rules from good graphing and the excel tutorial
EC Create a normalized Graph of the data
2.  Answer the questions
  • Is it linear? How do you know?
  • What seems to be the relationship? Explain
  • Write an Equation for the overall relationship supported by your data?
The above is due Tuesday.
  • What is the value of the slope and intercept?  Interpret them both?  
  • How does this lab relate to the last lab physically and mathematically?


  1. My computer said that the open office is malicious and blocked it.
    SP Mod 6

  2. I think our measurements are off because the equation I found using excel is y=12.097x-34.826. Shouldn't the slope be pi and the y-intercept be 0? If so, our data is very off. Also, some of our measurements are not linear and doesn't also follow the rule that the shorter the distance, the less time it takes to swing 10 swings. I will show you our data and graph in class because it doesn't seem to be adding up.
    HP Mod 6 SL
