Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Richies Potty Chart

  • Make observations
    • Embedded image permalink
      Why don't you have a potty chart?
    • Classify or give a reason for why you made your observation
    • Write down any questions you have as a result of your observations
    • Purpose a hypothesis for each observation
      • Even better can you purpose one Hypothesis that explains them all (Occam's Razor)

Science Religion Technology Philosophy

Which of these 3 is Science Fiction?
Science only cares about the outcome and the knowledge gained.
Post your comments.  How does society play a role in science?  Post any link to support you claims.
Image result for spidergoat
Image result for ear mouse

Friday, September 19, 2014

What is Physics?

Day 8
Use your class example to organize and label groups to construct a statement about the words in a coherent sentence.  Not you may have a group or words that were not categorized and do not fit!!!

Online Book Access

Click This Link-->
copy these into the front of your composition notebook
Try this out to make sure it works!!!
User Name:pp&p

Friday, September 12, 2014

Day 6: Answer one of the following questions below

Day 6: 

Answer one of the following for HW

Use the ideas learned in things that.

       Create groups  that have similar characteristics

        Define the characteristics

        Use this do define differentiate and answer the question


Humans have a belly button...  Therefore anything with a BB must be human.

Dogs have bb so that can't be it.  But it may be one of the defining criteria

Try again? (Repeat this process until you get an answer you are confident with.

Post any ideas questions ect.  This should go in you notebook with the question you chose as your title.

What is a Banana?

Is a virus alive?

What is a duck bill platypus?

What make you human?

What is the difference between M&F?


Friday, September 5, 2014

ABCs of Physics


Objective:Determine and discuss the what makes information and ideas more easily understood.

What are the key ideas illustrated in the activity?

Things That?

Day 2
Objective: Describe an object in a way that a 2 year old physicist would be able to identify it or draw it.

Day 3
1.Post your description of one if your objects with the title "Thing" and your initials.

2.Choose a fellow students description by posting your initials with the reply button. If somone has already selected a description choose another.  

3.Draw a picture of the object in your note book along with the description.  Use color or indicate color (do your best).  I will count this for a grade.  

On Wednesday we will match the "Thing" with it's picture.

Day 4:Create an organizational strategy based on observations.

HW:Group objects based on characteristics (develop a by nominal taxonomy)

Day 5

Create a taxonomy chart.  Like a family tree each branch is based off of a singular characteristic.  Continue to break down your groups in a similar fashion until all object are essentially the same.  You may want to consider the order of the characteristics/organization.... If it is good it should work for any set of objects in the box not just your 10.0!! 

What are the pros and cons of blogs.

What are the issue or problems with the blog?
What are the solutions?

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Welcome to Physics Class!  Welcome to the Blog!
 Why a Blog?
Click on the links below to find out.  Post your comments below.
What are some of the major advantages of a blog?
What are some of the disadvantages?

21st Century Skills (Learning Objectives)

Communication and Collaboration