Friday, September 5, 2014

What are the pros and cons of blogs.

What are the issue or problems with the blog?
What are the solutions?


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  3. I agree with Dasha, adding links to the blog that relate to Physics could help someone if they needed it. It overall would be beneficial. H-Physics Mod 6 JO

  4. I think the blog is a great way to ask questions regarding homework. As long as everyone is active within the blog, I believe it will be successful in preserving time from class in order to learn instead of spending excessive time going over homework. In regards to improving the blog, I would first try and make it more organized. The most recent post is the first one seen on the homepage. It is nice that it goes from most recent to least recent, but within one days post are many threads. If that day's class objective and the area where we can ask questions about homework are separate links then I think the organization of the blog would be improved. H-Physics Mod 6 SL

    1. Although that might help organize the blog it would make it less likely for someone to read your question if the question is about something discussed earlier.

    2. Yes I agree with you. As stated in class organization is key and greatly improvise the ability to process information. Unfortunately peoples brains organize information differently and the current organizational scheme might not be ideal for some. It is a work in progress. I am open to any suggestions, now or in the future.

  5. Although blogging may seem like it is an easy way to communicate and find information, you may not where that information is coming from and if it is reliable. Specific to this blog, I think it is a brilliant idea to have as a resource and communication tool for a class. Students can discuss their views, doubts, questions, and ideas about current topics. For example, if the teacher is not available and a student misses a class, they could post in the blog and see what they missed. Although this blog in particular has many advantages, it is bland. It could use a more interesting background and some more to it. Also, since everyone needs to have an email to show their name, it would be a lot easier if everyone could have an account instead of posting their initials at the end. Some people could have the same initials and then no one would know which person it was. All around I think the blog is a great idea it just needs a few things added and it will be perfect. Mod 6 BA

    1. You shouldn't need an email account. Let me know if this is still the case so I can investigate the issue.

  6. Blogging is a good tool for communication. If a person happens to be absent from class, they can look on the blog or ask someone on the blog what they missed. A disadvantage for blogging is not everyone has access to the internet. H-Physics Mod 6 EB

    1. While I understand this is can be an issue. Please keep in mind that previously you were expected to tried your bike to the library after school to use the encyclopedias... I have had students use the free wifi in McDonalds parking lot as the did not have internet. If you have an issue like this please let me know and we will figure something out. In the end it's all about your level of commitment. Be a pig not a chicken! Ask me in class...

  7. Blogging is a great way to bring a class together. If anyone has a question to ask that they didn't think of during class they can post it on the blog and someone will be there to answer it. The only disadvantages is that it was difficult to find without the direct link. Also, if there are separate links for questions about homework, class objectives, and upcoming projects the blog would be a lot more organized. H-Physics Mod 6 TW

  8. Pros: A blog allows students and staff to connect and share thoughts, ideas, and work that wouldn't necessarily be possible somewhere else. Blogs allow multiple students and teachers to connect easily and share their thoughts with each other in one group. Even if you don't have contact with someone outside of the blog it allows everyone to add their own piece of the conversation.

    Cons: Searching "honors crysics" on Google on gives 14 results, none of which lead to this site. Instead, maybe tell students to search, "Mr. Crane's Honors Physics Class" and choose the result with the same name. This leads directly to the home page and allows easier access to the site and its features. If you do manage to find the site, many students have said it is unorganized and boring. By creating a post every week dedicated to specific topics like missed work or general questions the site would be more organized and students' questions would be more likely seen and answered. A simple theme for the site would fix its boring look. Maybe each week have students vote what next week's theme will be.

    H-Physics Mod 6 EF

    1. I tried posting to the blog but am only able to comment anonymously? Well I think that's one thing that should be resolved along with the name of the blog. It should be shorter so its easier to type into the google search bar from both our phones and computers. H-physics mod 6 JT

    2. I know that the name is long but it's meaningful and more importantly available. was already taken. Darn !!! But once you goto it once book mark it to your device.... The. It's not an issue but if anything ever happened it's at least memorable enough where you can begin to search for it.

    3. Oh and if you search "honorscrysics". You get one hit only. See the Abcs of physics rule 1 RFD.
      Honors crysics is different than honorscrysics

  9. A blog is like a forum in which can obtain information and ask question they have considering a specific topic or idea. Unlike a forum, blogs are more casual, meaning that one does not an "expert" of a certain niche to express their ideas on a certain subject. Blogging works well if the main goal is to communicate with like minded people on a topic without getting into a heated debate. That being said, blogging is a double-edged sword is that just about anyone post their thoughts or ideas even if its wrong. There is no moderator like there is in a forum for the information to be verified before it is posted on as thread. Honors Physics Mod 6 MS

  10. Something I did in the past with my biology teacher that worked extremely well was she did online teaching later at night sometimes live and students could comment and ask questions to one another live. If this couldn't be done, maybe just a chat group watching prerecorded lessons or reviews would be a good idea. Not much of an idea for the blog but rather an idea that might help others review before tests.
    MW Honors Physics Mod 6

  11. pro:The blog could be a useful tool in communicating between one another. If a student needs help they can get the opinions of different people.That way they can see the solution to a problem a few different ways and learn easier ways to work through problems.
    con:I agree with taco hug that there is not moderator on posts and people could get into heated debates.
    Honors Physics Mod 6 SP

    1. I have the ability to moderate and delete posts... More importantly if I read I can make clarifications corrections and steer the discussion in the appropriate direction. The major difference is that I see you in class so the discussion can be moderated in person... The major advantage being that you really determine the focus of the instruction based on your needs and questions.
