Friday, September 5, 2014

Things That?

Day 2
Objective: Describe an object in a way that a 2 year old physicist would be able to identify it or draw it.

Day 3
1.Post your description of one if your objects with the title "Thing" and your initials.

2.Choose a fellow students description by posting your initials with the reply button. If somone has already selected a description choose another.  

3.Draw a picture of the object in your note book along with the description.  Use color or indicate color (do your best).  I will count this for a grade.  

On Wednesday we will match the "Thing" with it's picture.

Day 4:Create an organizational strategy based on observations.

HW:Group objects based on characteristics (develop a by nominal taxonomy)

Day 5

Create a taxonomy chart.  Like a family tree each branch is based off of a singular characteristic.  Continue to break down your groups in a similar fashion until all object are essentially the same.  You may want to consider the order of the characteristics/organization.... If it is good it should work for any set of objects in the box not just your 10.0!! 


  1. How to Explain a Beach Ball to a Two Year Old
    - sphere (circle shaped)
    - multi colored
    - has a circle at the top of the ball
    - very light
    - uses air to make it float and bounce
    - colors are divided by curved lines
    - you can find it on the beach or near a pool
    - has a cap where you fill in the air

    H-P Mod 6 CA

    1. Sorry I did the first assignment only so here is my second part
      - multi colored (small ball in the middle is black, the outside pieces are multi colored)
      - has multiple flat circles attached by skinny tubes to the inner black ball
      - lost its grip
      - slight bounce
      - the flat circles and tubes connected together create a whole sphere shape for the object
      - it's the size of a billiard ball
      What am I? :)
      Honors Physics Mod 6 CA

  2. -rubber on the outside
    -can be molded into different shapes when pushed
    -has little, round, colorful ball on the inside
    -has a hard plastic piece with small screws (probably for batteries)

    Honors Physics Mod 6 SP

  3. Thing SL Honors Physics Mod 6
    -multi colored
    -10 circles attached to the base of the object
    -made of rubber
    -bounces all over the place when thrown
    -more than 1 hole/tear has been dug out from the base

  4. "Things" Honors Physics Mod 6 CR
    - Dark navy blue
    - The base is a circle
    - Bounces when thrown
    - Made of rubber
    - is round with rubber spikes sticking out
    - estimated 15 rubber spikes sticking out from center rubber base

  5. "thing" DS Honors Physics Mod 2
    My object....
    - has the shape of Saturn
    - is a sphere with a ring around it
    - is rubbery like a bouncy ball
    - is clear with a bluish green tint to it
    - has silver, green, and purple stripes all through it (looks like splatter paint in it)
    - bounces well

  6. "Thing" SC physics
    balls on the end of each tentacles
    16 tentacles
    blue tentacles
    purple,pink,orange,yellow balls on the end of the the tentacles
    its light

  7. As tall as a thumb
    Monochromatic sphere on top
    Sphere connected to tube made of rubber with a flat bottom

  8. "Thing" KM
    -it's green
    -it's the size of a regular tennis ball
    -it can roll
    -it's a sphere
    -its surface is smooth
    -it can be held with just one hand

  9. stretchy
    has elastics strings that hang off of the ball
    the end of the strings are purple
    has a hole in the center of it
    can turn inside out

  10. -round
    -about the size of a tennis ball
    -has small hole
    -makes a jingle sound
    -can roll
    H-Physics Mod 6 TW

  11. Bright Greenish-yellowish
    10 small rubber rodents/mice attached to it
    2 Black
    4 Gray
    4 White

  12. -round
    -made of a sponge like material
    -about the size of a softball
    -very light
    -wouldn't go far if thrown
    -could easily squish it in your hand

    Mod 6-BA

  13. -mix of black and red colors
    -has 3 holes in it
    -it's large and round and very heavy (size of someone's head)
    -rolls when pushed/thrown
    -makes loud noise when dropped
    Honors Physics Mod 6 OM

  14. "Thing" JS
    -rubber, smooth texture
    -white, light blue, dark blue swirly pattern
    -shines when hit by light
    -Approximately 3 inches tall

  15. "Thing"
    -Smooth to the touch
    -Yet very bumpy
    -Light green color
    -Small indents on it
    Honors Physics Mod 6 DT

  16. My Thing ZMD
    - 3 inches in diameter
    - made of .5 mm thick rubber
    - full of oily multicolored rubber balls about one centimeter in diameter
    - the air has been vacuumed out
    -balls slide around in the large ball past eachother

  17. "Thing" AH
    - 7 fingers on each side
    - shape like a round ball tied in the middle really tight
    - about 2 inches long
    - very detailed fingers (nails, and wrinkles)
    - light pink

  18. I only did the first part and forgot to describe my thing so here it goes
    -it's a sphere
    -one hemisphere contains clear rubber
    -the other hemisphere contains sponge
    -the clear rubber has multi colored sparkles
    -only bounces on one side
    H-physics mod 6 JT

  19. -Entirety of ball is covered is covered in elastic appandeges
    -Monochromatic (solid color)
    -Made of rubber
    -When thrown object will bounce
    -Bigger than a regulation size tennis ball.
    MS mod 6 H Physics

  20. -ball made entirely of rubber
    -sphere- shaped
    -contains multi-colored sparkles
    -bounces when thrown
    -smaller than a standard sized tennis ball
    -smooth texture
    -has a crack down side
    H Physics mod 6 JB

  21. "Thing" MM Honors Physics Mod 9
    -dark blue-green
    -says "China"
    -many multicolored sparkles
    -scratch marks on it
    -diameter about 3 in
    -a little squishy
